Frequently Asked Questions
- Apply with a job description.
- DS4Y staff will review your organization’s application and the current funding available. We will either approve your application, put you on a wait list or reject your application.
- Advertise your approved job description.
- Have VCN verify the candidate for eligibility prior to offering the position
- Hire the intern
- Pay the intern
- Submit pay stub information monthly to be approved by VCN for reimbursement.
- VCN will reimburse 100% of verified wages, mandatory employment related costs and any bursary expenses to a maximum total of $30,000 for all expenditures.
- Internship ends by March 31, 2023
Example funding allocations
Total Wages and MERCs: $26,000 or more
Bursary: $4,000
Total Reimbursement: $30,000
Total Wages and MERCs: $20,000
Bursary: $2,000
Total Reimbursement: $22,000
Total Wages and MERCs: $28,000 or more
Bursary: $2,000
Total Reimbursement: $30,000
Total Wages and MERCs: $30,000 or more
Bursary: $0
Total Reimbursement: $30,000
*The intern and DS4Y staff would need to approve any bursary re-allocations.
The following are examples of eligible job titles:
- Cloud applications and platforms
- Programming
- Web Design
- Service-based Architecture
- Chatbots and AI
- Analysis
- Data Design
- Project Management
- Social Media
- Digital Engagement
The list of potential position titles is not limited to the above items. If the role is too administrative or lacking any real technical skillset to build on, the position will not be approved. The program’s main purpose is to provide career-entry positions to employers who may overlook recent grads with limited work experience and provide funding to support the acquisition of the work experience. The federal funder would like the employee to learn and grow in the role such that the intern will add so much value to the Intern Host Organization that they will continue once the program is over.
The application steps are:
- a. Additional questions/Approval after due diligence review.
- b. Follow up on criteria for Internships and contract sent (if required – past Intern Host Organization do not need this)
- c. Internship candidate review
- d. Internship candidate approval – reporting portal information sent to Intern Host Organization
- e. Employ the intern – required documentation sent to VCN
- f. Intern does the job as described and is introduced to the bursary program
- g. Intern is paid by the Intern Host Organization
- h. Intern Host Organization submits payroll data once a month (fridays)
- i. VCN reviews payroll data and initiates reimbursement transfer.
- j. Internship ends – completion documentation is immediately sent to VCN
- k. Final transfers and review for Intern Host Organization sent by VCN
For the role we should see a task list that would be streamlining processes managing digital projects from concept to completion, making sure the project is within the budget and using a certain amount of resources. It involves planning, delegating, tracking, reviewing, and measuring results — usually all done using project management software. The goal of every project is different, but the overarching objective is to grow the business and see valuable ROI from the project. Types of projects can range from events to digital content projects.
Digital projects come in all shapes and sizes. They can include:
- Websites
- Mobile apps
- Videos
- Games
- Events
- Content
- E-commerce
- Social media
- Advertising
- Search engine optimization